DIY Gallery


I have seen many Nixie clocks, and taken inspiration from other people's ideas and designs. It is interesting and also useful to see what other people come up with, to help you make your own clocks, and see how others use Nixie tubes and other display devices - Panaplex - Crt - VFD, it doesn't just have to be Neon. It is very much within the hobbyist realm and this page is for sharing and swapping notes! There are some exceptionally creative folks out there and should rightly have their creations on display!

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Lovely conversion of a Rocker Cover, using tiny IN-2 Nixie tubes

Submitted by: Kyal - UK

The 'Tuner Clock' from Jim! Uses NL 5441 tubes and based on a PV electronics Dink Kit

Submitted by: Jim O USA

A wonderful interpretation of HellBoys Nixie Lantern. Beautiful woodwork skills from Jannie as always :)

Submitted by: Jannie Netherlands

Side view of Jannie's Lantern Clock :)

Submitted by: Jannie Netherlands

Alien Nixie Clock using randomised IN-7 tubes

Submitted by: Adam

Wonderfully creative clock from Eduardo, based on the ancient Aztec Calendar!

Submitted by: Eduardo - Mexico

Xbox one controller, intention was temporary, but a neat looking clock all the same!

Submitted by: James Heike UK

A tribute to Van Gogh. Painted on copper sheet with a gas torch to obtain the coloration. The seconds are the stars with neon witnesses.

Submitted by: Eduardo - Mexico

Amazing Abra-Ca-Dabra clock from Mike, made from a Grandmother clock and a pinball machine - stunning amount of time and effort and detail that went into its making!

Submitted by: Mike Small UK

Full view of Mike's Abra-Ca-Dabra clock!

Submitted by: Mike Small UK

A Spiritual Creation from Eduardo!

Submitted by: Eduardo - Mexico

Another cracker from Eduardo!

Submitted by: Eduardo - Mexico

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