DIY Gallery
I have seen many Nixie clocks, and taken inspiration from other people's ideas and designs. It is interesting and also useful to see what other people come up with, to help you make your own clocks, and see how others use Nixie tubes and other display devices - Panaplex - Crt - VFD, it doesn't just have to be Neon. It is very much within the hobbyist realm and this page is for sharing and swapping notes! There are some exceptionally creative folks out there and should rightly have their creations on display!
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Chiming steampunk nixie mantle clock Steampunk Customz & Clock Repair
Submitted by: Derek Roth Canada
Nice big beefy 1950’s replica of Nixie clock inspired by old HP gear. Fun Fact: clock accepts 1pps input from atomic clock
Submitted by: Martin Niec
This clock made in the box of an old insulation tester. The DC voltmeter is from some other. I found it to go good together. The crank is now used to switch on and off the tubes. The tubes are from an old radio location device.
Submitted by: Raymond Mentjens - Netherlands
Lovely looking Retro IN-8-2 Nixie clock made from Stainless Steel and vintage buttons
Submitted by: Shtrlz
Wonderful contraption from Durk van der Ploeg visit for more!
Submitted by: Durk van der Ploeg - Holland
The Time Bandit Clock Workshop. Art work depicting The Father Time pointing to a dissolving clock. Reminding us of the passage of time and Time's effect on everyone and everything. With The grim Reaper waiting on the 'Other Side'. Unique rework of a 1950's Wooden mantle clock.
Submitted by: Mike Small UK
The Time Bandit Clock Workshop. Art work depicting The Father Time pointing to a dissolving clock. Reminding us of the passage of time and Time's effect on everyone and everything. With The grim Reaper waiting on the 'Other Side'. Unique rework of a 1950's Wooden mantle clock.
Submitted by: Mike Small UK
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