DIY Gallery


I have seen many Nixie clocks, and taken inspiration from other people's ideas and designs. It is interesting and also useful to see what other people come up with, to help you make your own clocks, and see how others use Nixie tubes and other display devices - Panaplex - Crt - VFD, it doesn't just have to be Neon. It is very much within the hobbyist realm and this page is for sharing and swapping notes! There are some exceptionally creative folks out there and should rightly have their creations on display!

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The IN-16 miniature single digit clock

Submitted by: Claes Vahlberg - Sweden

The remote control device for the large RZ568M tube clock, as well as the tiny IN-16 clock. You can see a great video of these here:

Submitted by: Claes Vahlberg - Sweden

The Venetian Blind Clock aka SARA''s Little Sister

Submitted by: Roddy Scott

The Venetian Blind Clock aka SARA''s Little Sister

Submitted by: Roddy Scott

Yes! a full-on Nixie clock that does the Westminster chimes - Submitted by Jannie from the UK.

Submitted by: Jannie

Entitled the 'Chime Factory', another brilliant clock from Jannie.

Submitted by: Jannie

This is the incredible 'Hands of Time' clock, lots of fiddly wiring for sure!

Submitted by: Roddy

The rear View of the Hands of Time clock, a lot of time and effort gone into the creation of this masterpiece.

Submitted by: Roddy

This is the first Nixie / VFD hybrid clock that i have seen, cleverly fitted into an old mantle clock - by Will from Maine, USA.

Submitted by: Will

The Nixie VDF lit up at night, really good contrast of colours between the 2 display technologies

Submitted by: Will

Very Neat Steampunk wall mounted clock

Submitted by: Marcel

A Nixie Alarm clock that uses a Telephone ringer to wake you up! By Luke from France.

Submitted by: Luke

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