Micro Babbage
A very small clock, hence called the 'Micro Babbage' and unusual that it has a 2 tube display to tell the time, alternating between hours and minutes so when I took the pictures it was 12:48. Very Steampunk in design, almost like a mini invader from the War of the Worlds or something! The clock is made from an old inductance box dating back to about 1940 and solid Bakelite.
The customary slab of highly polished brass compliments the XN-12 tubes with copper anodes. Likewise there are red and yellow Led's under the tubes that fade into an ever changing range of hues.
The clock was made as a Thank you for my friend John, I was 3 days into an exhibiton on my feet all day and he kindly turned up at lunchtime with a chilled pint of well needed beer!